Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rules & Guidelines

Welcome to the Eden Prairie Chamber of Commerce Discussions Blog!  

Below are some guidelines that we ask that you look at and follow.  Thank you!

1. We will only post one discussion per week.  If you would like to be scheduled to write  
    about a topic, please email Sammi at communications@epchamber.org.
2. Discussions will be posted on Mondays.
3. This blog is NOT for advertising purposes.  Please keep in mind, when commenting or 
    writing, that the topic should benefit all members.
4. Comments that are inappropriate or against guidelines, will be removed.  
5. If you have a topic you want to discuss, please contact Sammi to schedule your blog.
6. Please plan to submit your blog to Sammi, the Wednesday before your scheduled blog is 
    to be posted.   
7. Please keep the original blog post around 250 words.
